Lights4fun Twin Pack of Warm White LED Touch Operated Battery Cupboard Lights with 3M Pads
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Lights4fun Twin Pack of Warm White LED Touch Operated Battery Cupboard Lights with 3M Pads

Product ID: 49094255
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Colour:Warm White A twin pack of truly brilliant cupboard lights from Lights4fun. Our touch operated under cabinet or cupboard light is really easy to install and use. With no need for awkward wiring or electrician costs, just insert your batteries, stick on and hey presto! To illuminate these lights, simply touch the two metal contacts. They are very responsive and only need the lightest touch. The clear casing can be tilted, allowing you to angle the light where needed. These lights are really popular for sticking under kitchen cabinets and in wardrobes but you can use these nifty lights anywhere in your home! Although these lights are for indoor use, they do make great shed lights too! With 4 bright LEDs in each light, you can expect around 100 hours of illumination from each set of 3 x AAA batteries (not included), before they will need to be changed. With a detachable back that has 3M sticky pads, you can easily change the batteries while keeping the backing on the wall or cabinet.

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