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Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture (8843)

Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture (8843)

QAR 113
The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core (8494) Paperback – 1 Jan. 2013

The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core (8494) Paperback – 1 Jan. 2013

QAR 136
Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

QAR 77
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

QAR 519
Grow Younger Daily: The Power of Imagery for Healthy Cells and Timeless Beauty - Second Edition

Grow Younger Daily: The Power of Imagery for Healthy Cells and Timeless Beauty - Second Edition

QAR 91
Inner Focus, Outer Strength: Using Imagery and Exercise for Strength, Health, and Beauty

Inner Focus, Outer Strength: Using Imagery and Exercise for Strength, Health, and Beauty

Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

QAR 87
The Art & Science of Cueing: Best Cueing Practices for Successfully Teaching Yoga, Pilates and Dance Paperback – August 1, 2016

The Art & Science of Cueing: Best Cueing Practices for Successfully Teaching Yoga, Pilates and Dance Paperback – August 1, 2016

QAR 124
Fascia Release and Balance (8844)

Fascia Release and Balance (8844)

QAR 274
The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core (8494)

The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core (8494)

QAR 198
Relax Your Neck, Liberate Your Shoulders: The Ultimate Exercise Program for Tension Relief Paperback – September 1, 2002

Relax Your Neck, Liberate Your Shoulders: The Ultimate Exercise Program for Tension Relief Paperback – September 1, 2002

QAR 108
Franklin Method Ball and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax (8491)

Franklin Method Ball and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax (8491)

QAR 754
B00BA Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Kids, Ages 4-8, Ages 8-12 and Adults With 80+ High Quality Coloring Pages | Perfect Gift Holidays for Children

B00BA Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Kids, Ages 4-8, Ages 8-12 and Adults With 80+ High Quality Coloring Pages | Perfect Gift Holidays for Children

QAR 54
Understanding the Pelvis: A Functional Approach to Yoga

Understanding the Pelvis: A Functional Approach to Yoga

QAR 152
Grow Younger Daily: The Power of Imagery for Healthy Cells and Timeless Beauty (Second Edition)

Grow Younger Daily: The Power of Imagery for Healthy Cells and Timeless Beauty (Second Edition)

QAR 316
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery Second Edition

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery Second Edition

QAR 207
Fascia Release and Balance: Franklin Method Ball and Imagery Exercises

Fascia Release and Balance: Franklin Method Ball and Imagery Exercises

QAR 82
Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

Franklin Method® Ball, Band and Imagery Exercises for Relaxed and Flexible Shoulders, Neck and Thorax

QAR 110
Fascia Release and Balance (8844)

Fascia Release and Balance (8844)

QAR 89
Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture: Franklin ball and imagery exercises for the feet, knees, and lower legs

Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture: Franklin ball and imagery exercises for the feet, knees, and lower legs

QAR 114
Conditioning for Dance: Training for Whole-Body Coordination and Efficiency

Conditioning for Dance: Training for Whole-Body Coordination and Efficiency

QAR 371
The Art & Science of Cueing (8845) Paperback – 1 Aug. 2016

The Art & Science of Cueing (8845) Paperback – 1 Aug. 2016

QAR 144
Relax Your Neck, Liberate Your Shoulders: The Ultimate Exercise Program for Tension Relief

Relax Your Neck, Liberate Your Shoulders: The Ultimate Exercise Program for Tension Relief

QAR 190
Luke: Interpreter of Paul, Critic of Matthew: No. 92. (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement S.)

Luke: Interpreter of Paul, Critic of Matthew: No. 92. (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement S.)

QAR 345
The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core

The PSOAS: Integrating Your Inner Core

QAR 121
Pelvic Power: Mind/Body Exercises for Strength, Flexibility, Posture, and Balance for Men and Women

Pelvic Power: Mind/Body Exercises for Strength, Flexibility, Posture, and Balance for Men and Women

QAR 138
Preparazione alla danza. Allineamento specifico per esibirsi al meglio in qualunque tipo di danza (Vol. 2) (Biblioteca delle arti)

Preparazione alla danza. Allineamento specifico per esibirsi al meglio in qualunque tipo di danza (Vol. 2) (Biblioteca delle arti)

QAR 249
Breathing for Peak Performance: Functional Exercises for Dance, Yoga, and Pilates

Breathing for Peak Performance: Functional Exercises for Dance, Yoga, and Pilates

QAR 102
Franklin Pierce in Death of a Vice President

Franklin Pierce in Death of a Vice President

QAR 83
Acondicionamiento físico para la danza: Entrenamiento para la coordinación y eficiencia de todo el cuerpo

Acondicionamiento físico para la danza: Entrenamiento para la coordinación y eficiencia de todo el cuerpo

QAR 899
Frei bewegen: Mit der wissenschaftlich fundierten Franklin-Methode zu mehr Beweglichkeit und einer dynamisch perfekten Haltung. Über 300 Übungen

Frei bewegen: Mit der wissenschaftlich fundierten Franklin-Methode zu mehr Beweglichkeit und einer dynamisch perfekten Haltung. Über 300 Übungen

QAR 173
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

QAR 714
Los secretos funcionales de la pelvis: Un enfoque práctico para el yoga

Los secretos funcionales de la pelvis: Un enfoque práctico para el yoga

QAR 161
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

QAR 187
La Préparation du danseur - Vol. 2: Entrainement spécifique pour atteindre l'excellenc

La Préparation du danseur - Vol. 2: Entrainement spécifique pour atteindre l'excellenc

QAR 148
The Art & Science of Cueing (8845)

The Art & Science of Cueing (8845)

QAR 201
Cómo respirar para mejorar el rendimiento: Ejercicios funcionales para danza, yoga y pilates

Cómo respirar para mejorar el rendimiento: Ejercicios funcionales para danza, yoga y pilates

QAR 215
Le Corps et l'énergie: Visualisations mentales et exercices physiques pou

Le Corps et l'énergie: Visualisations mentales et exercices physiques pou

QAR 154
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

QAR 110
B00BA Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Kids, Ages 4-8, Ages 8-12 and Adults With 80+ High Quality Coloring Pages | Perfect Gift Holidays for Children

B00BA Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Kids, Ages 4-8, Ages 8-12 and Adults With 80+ High Quality Coloring Pages | Perfect Gift Holidays for Children

QAR 76
Conditioning for Dance

Conditioning for Dance

QAR 110
La Préparation du danseur - Vol. 1: Entraînement spécifique pour atteindre l'excellenc

La Préparation du danseur - Vol. 1: Entraînement spécifique pour atteindre l'excellenc

QAR 150
Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance

Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance

QAR 289
Preparazione alla danza. Allenamento specifico per esibirsi al meglio in qualunque forma di danza. Nuova ediz. (Vol. 1) (Biblioteca delle arti)

Preparazione alla danza. Allenamento specifico per esibirsi al meglio in qualunque forma di danza. Nuova ediz. (Vol. 1) (Biblioteca delle arti)

QAR 271
Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture (8843)

Happy Feet: Dynamic Base, Effortless Posture (8843)

QAR 85
Happy Feet - dynamische Basis, mühelose Haltung: Übungen mit Franklin-Bällen und Imagination für Füße, Knie und Unterschenkel

Happy Feet - dynamische Basis, mühelose Haltung: Übungen mit Franklin-Bällen und Imagination für Füße, Knie und Unterschenkel

QAR 128
Conditioning for Dance: Training for Peak Performance in All Dance Forms

Conditioning for Dance: Training for Peak Performance in All Dance Forms

QAR 295
Conditioning for Dance

Conditioning for Dance

QAR 166
30 x Befreiter Nacken - entspannte Schultern: Übungen für einen gesunden Rücken

30 x Befreiter Nacken - entspannte Schultern: Übungen für einen gesunden Rücken

QAR 220
Pelvic Power pour hommes et femmes: Exercices physiques et mentaux pour la force, la s

Pelvic Power pour hommes et femmes: Exercices physiques et mentaux pour la force, la s

QAR 121
The Devil's Devices, or, Control Versus Service

The Devil's Devices, or, Control Versus Service

QAR 262
Beautiful Body, Beautiful Mind: The Power of Positive Imagery

Beautiful Body, Beautiful Mind: The Power of Positive Imagery

QAR 492
Draw Me a Star

Draw Me a Star

QAR 139
You Are UnStopABLE!: It's Never Too Late

You Are UnStopABLE!: It's Never Too Late

QAR 194
Task Partitioning: An Innovation Process Variable

Task Partitioning: An Innovation Process Variable

QAR 441
OPTP Franklin Mini Roll - Peanut Shaped Massage Roll for Franklin Method Exercises (LE9002)

OPTP Franklin Mini Roll - Peanut Shaped Massage Roll for Franklin Method Exercises (LE9002)

QAR 188
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery

QAR 589
Pelvic power per uomini e donne. Esercizi fisici e mentali per migliorare la forza, la flessibilità, la postura e l'equilibrio

Pelvic power per uomini e donne. Esercizi fisici e mentali per migliorare la forza, la flessibilità, la postura e l'equilibrio

QAR 243
Beckenbodenpower: Mit der bewährten Franklin-Methode das Becken dynamisch und ganzheitlich trainieren - für ein neues Körperbewusstsein. Erweiterte, überarbeitete und farbige Neuausgabe

Beckenbodenpower: Mit der bewährten Franklin-Methode das Becken dynamisch und ganzheitlich trainieren - für ein neues Körperbewusstsein. Erweiterte, überarbeitete und farbige Neuausgabe

QAR 177
Facts of Reconstruction, Race, and Politics

Facts of Reconstruction, Race, and Politics

QAR 291
Peanut Butter Principles: 47 Leadership Lessons Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

Peanut Butter Principles: 47 Leadership Lessons Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

QAR 149
Birth of God

Birth of God

QAR 217
Major Jonathan Loring Austin, 1748-1826: A Kittery Merchant on a Secret Mission to London for Dr. Benjamin Franklin

Major Jonathan Loring Austin, 1748-1826: A Kittery Merchant on a Secret Mission to London for Dr. Benjamin Franklin

QAR 121
How the Critics Can Help: Guide to the Practical Use of the Gospels

How the Critics Can Help: Guide to the Practical Use of the Gospels

QAR 228
Toolkets for User Innovation: The Design Side of Mass Customization

Toolkets for User Innovation: The Design Side of Mass Customization

QAR 138
Dinner With The Devil: From the Case Files of Andrew Mason

Dinner With The Devil: From the Case Files of Andrew Mason

QAR 160
Everest, Inc.: The Renegades and Rogues Who Built an Industry at the Top of the World

Everest, Inc.: The Renegades and Rogues Who Built an Industry at the Top of the World

QAR 243