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Luckies of London World Map, Scratch Map, Rose Gold &of London Scratch off Map World Poster, Detailed Map of the World with capitals, states, cities, Scratch Map Deluxe Edition
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Luckies of London World Map, Scratch Map, Rose Gold &of London Scratch off Map World Poster, Detailed Map of the World with capitals, states, cities, Scratch Map Deluxe Edition

Product ID: 151376166
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Style Name:Map + Scratch off Map Luckies of London World Map, Scratch Map, Rose Goldh1>Scratch off Map World Poster Discover the world from a whole new perspective with a Scratch off Map! Track a lifetime of travels and create your own visual interactive travel itinerary with the world’s first personalized scratch off map.Whether you’re a well-seasoned globetrotter, a frequent flyer or have caught the travel bug and want to explore the world, do it with a Scratch off Map.The Scratch off Map concept was created by Luckies of London in 2009, a truly innovative and unique creation. The Scratch off Map allows you to create a visual travel record of placed you’ve visited. The Scratch off Map can also be used to plan a trip of a lifetime, the ultimate travel gift!How does the Scratch off Map work?Roll out the map and secure on a flat surface and then simply scratch off the top foil surface using either a small coin or rubber eraser to reveal the map underneath. This truly satisfying yet addictive process will keep even the most demanding travel enthusiast happy, a must for the wanderlust! As you scratch off the foil, a new highly detailed geographical map is revealed with a multitude of colours that highlight different regions, countries, states, continents, Islands, famous landmarks and more. As you Scratch away you will see your travel history come to life.Scratch off where you've been travel mapEach Scratch off Map is unique in it’s own right. Each map has been carefully crafted by a team of highly skilled cartographers to suit everyone. Track all your movements, tours and sightseeing adventures with a Scratch off Map and then display for all to see just how travelled you are.Since the launch of the Original Scratch off Map, the collection has grown into a comprehensive range of scratchable world maps, travel maps and region-specific maps such as the UK, USA and Europe editions. The range now also features Deluxe Editions, Platinum, large XL editions and compact travel size scratch off maps that you can take with you.The latest edition is The Rose Gold Scratch off map, a unique map of the world with a difference! The Rose Gold Scratch off Map takes cartography to a whole new level. Featuring a superior quality, highly detailed map of the world presented on thick card with a premium scratch off top foil surface. Finished in an array of colours including pastel pinks with a contrasting Rose Gold grid scale.At the base of the map is a legend, scale, point of interest and travel trivia, a beautiful map with an incredible amount of detail.Luckies of London Scratch off Map World Poster, Detailed Map of the World with capitals, states, cities, Scratch Map Deluxe EditionScratch Map Deluxe is brilliant! It is the perfect way to show off where you've been travelling while livening up your wall with a colourful world map. Its a premium quality Scratch Map featuring matte black and gold top foil layer, colour and graphic detail underneath it. Remove the foil, reveal bright colours underneath and uncover all the places you've visited. Scratch map Deluxe Edition includes facts about certain countries and cities. Comes packaged in a slick tube. Dimensions: 81.9 x 58.2 cm

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