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AuthaGraph Globe - The World's Most Accurate Globe. This AuthaGraph Globe is a paper craft globe kit showing the process making a 2D AuthaGraph world map.
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AuthaGraph Globe - The World's Most Accurate Globe. This AuthaGraph Globe is a paper craft globe kit showing the process making a 2D AuthaGraph world map.

Product ID: 258021489
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The Winner of 2016 GOOD DESIGN GRAND AWARD in Japan! - AuthaGraph Globe - The World's Most Accurate Globe.This AuthaGraph Globe is a paper craft globe kit showing the process making a 2D AuthaGraph world map.The package contains three different sets of paper parts for the globe of the sphere, the globe of the intermediate body, and the globe of the regular tetrahedron (AuthaGraph).By assembling these globes, you can understand how spherical earth changes to a 2D AuthaGraph world map in a three-dimensional transformation process.【Specification】AuthaGraph Globe assembly kit, which consists of the following flat paper parts.72 globe parts; 24 inflated tetrahedron parts; 1 tetrahedron part; and 1 globe stand part.Size: 260 x 260mm (Packaged)128mm x 128mm x 128mm (Finished Item)Tetrahedron size: H86 x W100㎜ (Finished Item)Inflated tetrahedron size: H100xW104mm (Finished Item)Weight: 190gAssembly instructions (English/Japanese) with illustrations.【Kindly Note】- Recommended age: 15+ years old- Estimated time to complete the assembly: 10+ hours- No additional cutting tool or glue material is needed to assemble the kit.- For a finer finish, a few good pairs of tweezers are a great help.- No notation printed such as continental name, country name, ocean name etc. on the globe surface.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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