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3 stems Extra Large Dried Pampas Grass 4ft | Boho Decor | Wedding Floral Decor
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3 stems Extra Large Dried Pampas Grass 4ft | Boho Decor | Wedding Floral Decor

Product ID: 266627756
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VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please note, your Pampas Grass will not look the same as in the photos right upon receipt. They need time (couple days at least) and sunshine to fluff up. Please follow the following UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS to prevent damages to your Pampas Grass during the unpacking. Keep in mind that this is a dried plant and it is fragile. Your Pampas Grass will arrive in a tube closed on both sides with plastic end cups (the cups are usually white). Step #1: Take off BOTH plastic end cups from the tube. Step #2: Look from which side of the tube the plant stems are showing. Step #3: Very slowly and gently pull on the stems of your Pampas Grass to remove from the tube. ATTENTION: Never try to pull the Pampas Grass out by the fluffy portion. Step #4: Shake the stems VERY GENTLY to add fluffiness (DO IT ONLY OUTSIDE!!!) Step #5: Give them a few days to dry completely and fluff up after shipping (it is advisable to leave them in a vase in a sunny place or near a heater). NOTICE: This is natural 100% organic product so the color may vary slightly from the pictures. Enjoy your purchase!

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