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Manual Food Chopper - Onion Chopper Vegetable Cutter - Mini Chopper Nut Meats - Vegetable Dicer - Hand Chopper - Chopper One Piece - Black - 3 Cup
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Manual Food Chopper - Onion Chopper Vegetable Cutter - Mini Chopper Nut Meats - Vegetable Dicer - Hand Chopper - Chopper One Piece - Black - 3 Cup

Product ID: 326403971
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Key Features: Stainless steel top gives the chopper a premium look and feel 3 High-quality 420 stainless steel blades are d to last up to 10 years Rubber base prevents sliding on slippery countertops while chopping Top rack dishwasher safe (disclaimer below)! Blades can easily be pulled out in one piece for a quick rise. Unbeatable chopping time. This is simply the fastest way to chop, mince, or cut any food product. Throw in food and pull away! Examples Uses: Crack eggs into the container and rapidly whisk with several pulls Mince chicken and other meats Mince boiled potatoes, herbs, and spices to make potato salad Dice tomatoes and spices to make salsa Dice avocados and spices to make guacamole Chop fruits such as apple, pineapple, strawberries, and more into small pieces Easily chop up peppers, cucumbers, celery, carrots, and other vegetables Item: One Pull Chop unit Removable 3 blade swivel Pull handle is attached to the lid by a durable cord Can fit up to 550mL (2.5 cups) of food at once xUse blades with caution. Hold the top part of the blade mechanism for a secure grip while handling. xxAll parts of chopper are made to be top-rack dishwasher safe. Only place the product in a dishwasher that operate below 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit). If you are unsure, hand-washing is recommended as some dishwashers operate at high temperatures which can cause the plastic container to warp.

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