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Mio Sport Variety Pack | 3 Flavors: Arctic Grape, Lemon Lime, and Berry Blast | Mio Sports includes Electrolytes and B-Vitamin | 3 Mio Sport Variety Bottles | 1.62 fl oz. each | Ships in an Aromatik™ damage proof box
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Mio Sport Variety Pack | 3 Flavors: Arctic Grape, Lemon Lime, and Berry Blast | Mio Sports includes Electrolytes and B-Vitamin | 3 Mio Sport Variety Bottles | 1.62 fl oz. each | Ships in an Aromatik™ damage proof box

Product ID: 548308321
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The Mio Sport Variety Pack (1.62 fl oz. each) includes three distinct flavors: Berry Blast, Lemon Lime, and Arctic Grape. Ships in an Aromatik box to prevent damaged and leaking bottles. Each of these 1.62 fl oz. bottles contains Mio Sport liquid enhancer, sufficient for around 18 servings of 8oz. This product is designed to help replenish lost electrolytes and maintain hydration during exercise. There is NO CAFFIENE in this products. Its assortment of Mio sports flavors aims to bring great taste during workouts, and it offers B vitamins and electrolytes while being sugar-free and calorie-free. Packaged in a portable, resealable bottle, it is both BPA-free and suitable for on-the-go consumption

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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